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Overview of Sustainability Management

PI Advanced Materials connects people, society, and the world by realizing the potential of Polyimide
through creative innovation technology.

Overview of ESG Management

PI Advanced Materials is moving forward as a sustainable company that meets its economic, social, and environmental responsibilities while also meeting the needs and expectations of various stakeholders. PI Advanced Materials is establishing a systematic sustainable management strategy, taking into account the opinions of various stakeholders such as customers, employees, and partners, as well as global initiatives, to strive for creating sustainable value.
Furthermore, in order to effectively promote ESG management, we identified key ESG issues related to PI Advanced Materials' sustainability and disclosed the responses and performance for each issue in the sustainability report.

ESG Vision and Direction

PI Advanced Materials has established an accident-free and eco-friendly workplace through ESG management as well as financial growth in order to survive as a sustainable management company for future generations.
In addition, with the goal of strengthening communication with stakeholders, we are striving to achieve our goals by establishing slogans and strategies in each field of environment, society, and governance.

Establishing an accident-free/eco-friendly workplace and strengthening communication with stakeholders
The Direction of Propulsion
Establishment of an environmentally friendly
business environment
Realization of stable management
through risk factor management
Share goals and benefits
with all stakeholders
Save the life
Go together
  • Establishing a foundation for response to climate change
  • Establishment of an environmental conservation system at business sites and local communities
  • Technology development for resource recycling
  • Development of eco-friendly products
  • Compliance with the Severe Accident Punishment Act
  • Family-friendly workplaces
  • Non-financial risk management such as information security and supply chain
  • Shared growth with partners and local communities
  • Board Independence and Diversity
  • Shareholder-friendly dividend policy
  • Sharing goals with stakeholders
  • Strengthening the internal control system

ESG-Focused Initiatives

PI Advanced Materials developed a company-wide ESG management vision and strategy, as well as prioritized key tasks to create a sustainable management system.
The ESG strategies and tasks of PI Advanced Materials are reflected in the work processes of all members, and efforts are being made to ensure that the ESG vision is established within management activities.

PI Advanced Materials' key ESG tasks include responding to climate change, building an eco-friendly workplace, sharing growth with partners and the local community, and activating stakeholder communication. To complete the task, members will build an environmentally friendly workplace, develop eco-friendly products, manage safety risks, and communicate with stakeholders. PI Advanced Materials will continue to pursue sustainable management based on ESG key tasks in the future.

PI Advanced Materials ESG Key Tasks

ESG Key Tasks
Details of the implementation
Respond to climate change
Establishment of a greenhouse gas reduction management system at the workplace
Development of materials for new and renewable energy
Building an eco-friendly workplace
Establishment of air/water pollutant management process
Promote the reduction of chemical emissions
Establishment of a waste recycling system
Shared growth with partners/local communities
Establishment of a code of conduct for partner companies
Compliance with fair trade based on ethical management
Social contribution activities that communicate with local residents
Establishing an accident-free workplace
Compliance with safety and health management goals
Safety and health risk management through risk assessment, etc.
Safety and health support for partners
Activating communication
with stakeholders
Disclosure of ESG information through publication of sustainability management report
Activation of various communication channels
Ethical management
Operation of an ethical management violation reporting center
Implementation of an ethical management training program for all employees

ESG Management Strategy

The PI Advanced ESG strategy and slogan were developed by PI Advanced Materials to communicate the goals, values, and benefits of ESG management
to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, shareholders, and the local community. Through this, we will strive to realize the company's business goal of 'Polyimide Connecting Tomorrow,' which connects tomorrow's society through polyimide.

ESG Slogan

To achieve a successful ESG management strategy, PI Advanced Materials has developed three slogans. To build an eco-friendly workplace,
Save the life to pursue a happy life through shared growth and risk management, and go together to share the company's goals, values, and profits with stakeholders and work together to achieve the goals.

Eco- friendly
PI Advanced Materials is working to create an environmentally friendly environment while also developing related processes/technologies/products.
The world is experiencing severe environmental pollution and climate change.
PI Advanced Materials strives for sustainability by developing eco-friendly processes/technologies/products and contributing to environmental conservation in local communities at a time when changes in the global business environment are required, such as responses to climate change and carbon neutrality.
Save the life
PI Advanced Materials strives to ensure a safe and happy life for its members and stakeholders.
Shared growth with stakeholders such as companies, partners, and local communities is critical for sustainable management.
For the mutual growth of members and stakeholders, PI Advanced Materials is creating a safe workplace by managing risk factors that may arise in various fields such as safety/environment/security. Furthermore, by creating a stable business environment, we are creating a workplace where PI Advanced Materials and all stakeholders can live happy lives.
Go together
PI Advanced Materials strives to share goals, values, and profits with all stakeholders.
In order to achieve sustainable growth, the company's goals must be shared not only with its members but also with all stakeholders.
PI Advanced Materials shares its goals with various stakeholders and strives to ensure that the values and benefits achieved are also shared in various forms with members and all stakeholders.

ESG Drive System

To achieve ESG management objectives, PI Advanced Materials has formed a dedicated ESG team. Furthermore, we are attempting to create a sustainable management environment by establishing an organic cooperation system with working departments
in order to achieve goals in each ESG sector, including environment and safety, human resources, management, purchasing, and research.

ESG Drive System

Stakeholder Communication

PI Advanced Materials operates communication channels to incorporate the opinions of all stakeholders into its business activities.
To reflect the diverse opinions and expectations of stakeholders such as employees, customers, investors, and partners, PI Advanced Materials shares updates on the company’s business activities through its website, media outlets, and official disclosures and reports.

Communication Channels
  • Labor Union Meetings, Collective Bargaining Strengthening
  • Communication Programs like ‘PICNIC’
  • Employee Workshop ‘CAN’ Meetings
  • Industrial safety and Health Committees and Councils
  • Website Customer
  • Inquiries
  • Press Releases
  • Public Disclosures
  • General Meetings
  • Regular Reports
  • Sustainability Management Report
  • Press Releases
  • Homepage
  • Supply Chain Evaluation and Management
  • Safety and Health Committee
Key Interests
  • Enhancing Safety and Health Management
  • Developing Employee Capabilities Fair
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Demands Eco-Friendly, High-tech New Product
  • Demands for Enhanced Quality Management
  • Responding to ESG Management
  • Practices and Evaluations
  • Disclosure of Financial Performance
  • ESG Management Status Disclosure
  • Enhancing Corporate Value
  • Establishing a Robust Governance Structure
  • Use of ECO-Friendly and Ethically Managed Products
  • Strengthening Social Contribution Activities
  • Strengthening Safety, Health, and Environmental Management

Employee Training

PI Advanced Materials conducts training to share its ESG management philosophy with internal employees. Employees handling chemicals receive environmental-related training, including chemical safety education, and regular emergency evacuation drills are carried out to create a safe workplace with participation from all members. For all employees, ethics and human rights training are provided to ensure that members of PI Advanced Materials fulfill their social responsibilities.

Education Status

Category Training Name Frequency Target Audience
Environment Academic Training (All Employees) 2 Hours/Session All employees
Safety Regular Safety and Health Training Once a month All employees
Supervisory Education 16 Hours/Session Supervisors
Emergency Response Training Once Per Quarter All Employees (Including Top Management)
Confined Space Emergency Response Training Once Per Quarter E/M Employees
PSM - Process Safety Management Education Once Per Quarter PSM Engineering Department
Ethics Ethics Training 6 Hours/Session All employees

Details of Education Progress

Education Category Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Safety Environment Safety Education Cases 12 12 12 12
Emergency Drills Cases 8 9 8 6
Online Education Completion Rate % 100 100 100 -
Ethics & Information Security * Training Conducted Hours 285 1,510 1,626 1,702
Completion Rate % 97 96 93 95
Fair Trade Training Conducted Hours - - - 314
Completion Rate % - - - 100

*Ethical training topics: Sexual harassment prevention, personal information protection, workplace harassment prevention and disability awareness improvement

Employee Training Performance

Category Performance Indicator Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Safety and Environment Number of Industrial Accidents Cases 0 0 0 0
Industrial Accident Rate % 0 0 0 0
Frequency Rate % 0 0 0 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate % 0 0 0 0
Compliance with Safety Regulations Number of Violations Cases 0 1 0 0
Penalty Ten Thousand Won 0 96 0 0
Humans Rights and Ethics Compliance with Labor Standards Act Number of Violations Cases 0 0 0 0
Penalty Ten Thousand Won 0 0 0 0
Compliance with Fair Trade Act Number of Violations Cases 0 0 0 0
Penalty Ten Thousand Won 0 0 0 0
Security Total Number of Data Breaches Cases 0 0 0 0
Number of Data Breaches of corporate and Customer Information Cases 0 0 0 0
Fines for Violations Related to Government Data Leaks One Thousand Won 0 0 0 0

External Director Training

Ttraining Date Training Organization Attending External Directors Reason for Absence Key Training Content
November 28, 2023 Hosted by Our Company
(External Instructor)
Yang Jae-ho
Lee Jae-won
Oh Hyong-il
- Changes in Export Control Strategies and Supply Chain Management in Response to Global Trade Issues
(Instructor: Cha Su-hong, Director of the Strategic Materials Management Agency)
April 04, 2021 Hosted by Our Company
(External Instructor)
Lee Jeong-yeol
Im Kyung-woon
Oh Hyong-il
- Introduction to ESG Management and Its Challenges
(Instructor: Professor Park Kyung-seo, Department of Business Administration, Korea University)

Materiality Assessment

Selection of material ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues for PI Advanced Materials
PI Advanced Materials selects material ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues to enhance the effectiveness of its sustainable management strategy and to strategically manage various issues. The selection process for material issues involves considering PI Advanced Materials' ESG vision, global ESG disclosure standards, major ESG rating agencies, industry benchmarks, and key peer group issues. Specifically, to gather diverse stakeholder opinions during the material issue selection process, surveys are conducted among internal employees and employees of partner companies. The material issues identified through analysis and feedback are transparently disclosed in the sustainability management report, including performance and future plans.

Materiality assessment process

ESG Issue Pool Formation
  • Analysis of corporate activities
  • Analysis of peer group issues
  • Review of domestic and international ESG standards (GRI, SASB), evaluation criteria, certifications, and initiatives (CDP, UNGC, ISO26000)
  • Setting team-specific goals according to ESG management strategy
Impact Analysis of Issues
  • Identify the scope and timing of impact for each issue
  • Connect with domestic and global regulations and guidelines
Assessment of Impact Importance
  • Conduct surveys with internal employees and partner company staff
  • Evaluate interest and business impact using a 5-point scale
Selection of Material Issues
  • Determine priorities through consultations with working teams and stakeholders
  • Propose response measures for each indicator

Materiality Assessment Results

Stakeholders at PI Advanced Materials assessed the importance of various sustainability issues based on their interest and business impact.
The company identified ten high-priority issues with the highest average materiality scores. Key ESG issues for PI Advanced Materials include ‘Product Responsibility Management,’ ‘Safety Reporting,’ ‘Talent Acquisition and Development,’ and ‘Labor Relations.’ The company plans to continue addressing these critical issues proactively and transparently disclosing response measures.

Matrix of Materiality Assessment

Business impact and interest
Materiality Issue Ranking
Ranking Fields Issues GRI
1 Social Product Responsibility Management -
2 Social Health and Safety 403
3 Social Talent Acquisition and Development 404
4 Social Labor/Management Relations 402
5 Environment Reduction of Hazardous Chemicals
and Chemical Management System
6 Social Information Protection 418-1
7 Environment  Reduction and Management of Air Pollutants 305-7
8 Social Human Rights -
9 Social Supply Chain Management 308-2,  414-1
10 Governance Ensuring of Financial Soundness -
11 Social Stakeholder Communication
and Information Disclosure
403-3, 417-3
12 Governance Compliance Management -
13 Governance Operation of an Independent and
Professional Board of Directors
14 Governance Ethical Management -
15 Governance Anti-Corruption and Fair Trade 205-2, 205-3