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Environmental Management Policy

PI Advanced Materials connects people, society, and the world by realizing the potential of Polyimide
through creative innovation technology.

Environmental Management Policy

PI Advanced Materials has a social responsibility to minimize the impact of its business activities on safety, health and the environment.

PI Advanced Materials is a company that leads environmental protection through a sense of environmental responsibility. As a result, PI Advanced Materials is constantly working to identify and minimize the direct and indirect environmental impacts of its products.

To accomplish this, management will recognize environmental protection as a major factor in management activities, management will provide all necessary resources, and all executives and employees must practice the following.

Environmental Management System Certification (ISO 14001)

We faithfully comply with environmental laws, related requirements, and international agreements and
we strive to achieve more than legal requirements.
To reduce environmental risks, we strive for continuous improvement
by improving processes and implementing cutting-edge technology.
In order to minimize direct and indirect impacts on the environment, we carry out 3R (Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle) activities to minimize pollutant emissions and
contribute to the preservation of the global environment through resource conservation and energy reduction.
To ensure environmental management transparency, we disclose this policy internally and externally,
including to stakeholders, and actively collect their feedback.
To achieve the environmental management policy, we establish and implement a management plan,
as well as set goals and detailed goals.
All executives and employees receive documented safety, health, and environmental management system training
in order to implement, maintain, and develop this.

Risk Management for environmental change

Risk Management System

PI Advanced Materials is identifying risk factors that could alter the environment at business sites and local communities, as well as developing strategies to prevent and respond to them. These risks can be divided into ‘physical risks’ caused by physical changes due to leaks of chemicals and harmful gases, and ‘transition risks’ caused by policies and regulations arising during industrial transition and changes in technology, market, and reputation. We intend to establish a sustainable management system and manage the impact of each risk by analyzing its financial/non-financial impact and response direction.

Risk Management Process

PI Advanced Materials is working with the ESG team and other departments at each business site to prevent, monitor, and respond to environmental change risks. Risks are evaluated based on the time of occurrence (short-term, medium-term, long-term) and the size of risks and opportunities (financial impact, non-financial impact). Following that, we are working to establish a risk response through consultation with the working team and to derive new strategies by exploring opportunity factors.

Environmental Change
Identify risks
  • Continuous monitoring of the impact of each field due to environmental changes
  • Identify risks related to laws, regulations, market trends, etc.
Opportunity factors
  • Identify the expected timing of risk impact (short-term, medium-term, long-term) and financial impact
  • Assessment of identified risks and opportunities
  • Obtain feedback from working teams on identified risks.
  • Establish risk response strategy based on ESG strategy
Risk Management and
Opportunity Seizing
  • Risk management in accordance with the response plan
    Assessment of progress
  • Establishment of future tasks

Risk Response Strategies related to Environmental changes

PI Advanced Materials understands the financial and non-financial impacts of risks related to environmental changes in business sites and local communities. While responding to identified risks, we are also working to seize new opportunities. PI Advanced Materials plans to strive for sustainable growth through risk management that considers environmental changes.

Division Expected Risk Potential Financial Impact Response Direction Duration
Harmful gas
External leakage of harmful gases due to accidents Economic and physical losses result from production delays
caused by workplace damage.
Establish an emergency response system to prevent chemical accidents and
conduct regular safety inspections and training
Casualties occur due to inhalation of harmful gases
Chemical substance
External chemical leak due to accident Economic and physical losses due to
pollution in workplaces and local communities
Establish an emergency response system to prevent chemical accidents and
conduct regular safety inspections and training
Casualties caused by chemical leaks Installation of decontamination equipment to prepare
for contamination accidents within each business site
Policies and regulations Utilization of circular resources
Regulations on waste discharge
Increased technological investment and business costs
for waste recycling facilities
Investment in waste recovery facilities and high purity purification
Cooperation with business partners
Mid to long term
Chemical Regulations
Increasing demand for non-hazardous chemical-free raw materials and auxiliary materials
Conversion costs incurred as a result of increased
use of non-hazardous chemicals
Monitoring whether hazardous chemicals are added from
the beginning of product development to the end product.
Mid to long term
Strengthening environmental regulations Fines and sanctions are imposed when illegal acts are detected Legal review and policy reflection through
ESG management system
Markets and Technology Increasing demand for eco-friendly products that do not use hazardous chemicals,
as well as products based on new and renewable energy.
Increased R&D costs to expand
eco-friendly product portfolio
Development of substitutes for hazardous chemicals
Development of new and renewable energy materials
Mid to long term
Reputation Call for global eco-friendly initiatives Withdrawal of investment and loss of customers Global initiative response and information disclosure review Short-term

Environmental goals and Performance

PI Advanced Materials sets and responds to environmental goals every year to minimize environmental impacts during the production process.
By considering the production products and facilities at each business site, we set environmental goals that are optimized for ESG management. Furthermore, every year, performance is calculated through evaluation.
PI Advanced Materials plans to create an eco-friendly workplace by setting and complying with environmental goals every year.

Environmental goals of PI Advanced Materials in 2022

Gumi Factory Jincheon Factory
Target Criteria Target Level Performance Target Level Target Level Performance
Reduction of waste in raw units Waste synthetic resin in raw unit (kg)
(throughput/product production volume)
0.23 0.24 raw unit (kg)
(throughput/production volume)
0.43 0.45
Waste organic solvent (kg)
(throughput/MR production volume)
5.34 5.46
Energy savings Electricity consumption in raw unit (MWh/kg)
(electricity consumption/MR production)
0.04 0.05 Power usage in raw unit
5.27 6.27
LNG in raw unit
3.77 2.28
Reduce chemical emissions Annual chemical emissions (ton) 7 8