PI Advanced Materials enable the possibility of Polyimide with creative innovation.
It connects people, society, and the world.
Gumi PI film line no. 5 commenced production
Arkema S.A, a France public listed company,
became the majority shareholder of PI Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Jincheon Powder molding line commenced production
Kevin Song appointed as CEO
Gumi PI film line no. 4 commenced production
Office relocated from Pyeongchon to Seoul
Awarded “World Class” status by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
KOSPI listing
Added to KOSPI200 Index
Sales surpassed KRW300bn
Change of control
Company renamed to PI Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Jincheon PI varnish line no. 1 commenced production
Jincheon PI film line no. 4 commenced production
Tae Lim Kim (Matt Kim) appointed as CEO
Sales surpassed KRW200bn
Mr. Ki-dong Park appointed as CEO
Gumi PI film line no. 3 commenced production
Recognized as an Exemplary Taxpayer by the Ministry of Finance
Achieved no. 1 in global PI film market share
Listed on KOSAQ
Mr. Deok-Sung Woo appointed as CEO
Jincheon PI film line no. 3 commenced production
Sales surpassed KRW100bn
Began supplying to Mektron, the world’s no. 1 PCB manufacturer
Posted a profit for the first time with KRW78.6bn in sales and KRW7.
8bn in net profit
SKC Jincheon PI film line no. 2 commenced production
SKCKolonPI Co., Ltd.
established as a joint-venture between SKC and Kolon Industries
Mr. Chang-Woon Yoon appointed as CEO
Kolon Industries Gumi PI film line no. 2 commenced production
SKC Jincheon PI film line no. 1 commenced production
Kolon Industries Gumi PI film line no. 1 commenced production
Commenced commercial sales of PI film
Commenced commercial production of PI film
Commenced PI film R&D